How Passive Prospecting increased revenue 200% and saved 40 hours per week with Coordinate

Passive Prospecting

The Challenge

Passive Prospecting manages an ongoing multi-step video production process across three different groups of stakeholders: a large team, dozens of clients, and a business partner for whom they provide fulfillment service.

Passive Prospecting oversees a team of managers, designers, editors, and others responsible for production, SEO, and onboarding, that all must collaborate across dozens of concurrent client projects. Each of these stakeholders owns aspects of the production process at different intervals. Consequently, appropriate levels of visibility, seamless communication, and task management are critical to ensuring the work is executed without delay, from one stakeholder to the next and without anything falling through the cracks.

  • Utilizing Trello to cost-effectively manage their process was unworkable. Different boards were required to ensure appropriate levels of visibility for each stakeholder, causing communication and tasks to be disjointed. The result was constant frustration and anxiety, time-consuming manual coordination, and ultimately poor execution and lost business.
  • To scale their business, Passive Prospecting needed a solution that combined communication, robust task management, appropriate stakeholder visibility, and portfolio oversight. Being able to see all of this in one place was impossible with any other tool they looked at.
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Systems Disqualified or Replaced

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WATCH NOW: From Chaos to Clarity: The Transition from Trello to Coordinate

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The Solution

200% increase
In 6 Months

Coordinate provides the infrastructure Passive Prospecting needed to systemize their process, grow their team, and handle more business, all while improving service delivery and client satisfaction.

By consolidating a client portal, project management, communication, and oversight in one place, Coordinate gave Passive Prospecting the ability to grow business with less time. New hires are impressed from the get-go with how simple it is to work in Coordinate. It’s easy to align stakeholders on the tasks each needs to execute and when, which drives accountability and prevents things from falling through the cracks. And Coordinate’s reusable templates and automation increased the team’s project velocity while reducing the need for Krissy’s oversight.

Coordinate’s client portal provides a really good first impression with Passive Prospecting's clients too. They’re often already anxious about having to learn video editing, so Coordinate’s ease of use is a huge relief. And when problems do arise, the client portal helps Krissy’s team reassure clients with transparency in their process.

Even very tech-challenged people can quickly figure out Passive Prospecting's process in Coordinate. It would take a month to train new hires across multiple Trello boards, whereas with Coordinate anyone can get in and start doing checklist items right away. Coordinate shines in its simplicity.


  • Saved 40 hours per week by replacing spreadsheets, email, and multiple Trello boards with a single, cost-effective solution
  • 200% increase in revenue by systemizing their process to handle more business
  • Boosted client satisfaction with improved transparency and faster, more reliable service
  • Increased accountability and alignment across all stakeholders
  • Reduced new-hire onboarding from “3 weeks to 3 seconds”
  • Able to have dinner with the kids again
Krissy Owens, Marketing Guru at Passive Prospecting

Every client understands our new process. They’ll say: ‘Wow, this is extremely sophisticated. I’m very impressed by how simple and how streamlined this whole process is. We’ve looked at competitors before and they’re all over the place, but you guys just seem like you’ve got it all together.’

Coordinate replaced multiple Trello boards, spreadsheets, and email by consolidating everything Krissy Owens needed to manage client projects in one place.

Krissy Owens, Marketing Guru at Passive Prospecting

Coordinate couldn't have come at a better time. We have 6-10 new clients a week that we just wouldn’t have been able to handle otherwise. Before Coordinate, I was drowning in having to check multiple Trello boards, spreadsheets, and email 10 times a day to make sure nothing slipped. Now we’re systematized, making it a lot easier to stay on top of everything.

About Passive Prospecting

YouTube for Real Estate. Passive Prospecting partners with realtors & entrepreneurs to build prolific YouTube marketing campaigns.

In the last nine months of 2021, their first full year in real estate, Passive Prospecting closed 64 transactions, $33.5M in volume, and just over $1M in commissions. In their second year (2022), they closed 154 transactions, $86.2M in volume, and $2.3M in commissions. All organic with zero ad spend. They now own the fastest growing and most viewed real estate YouTube channel in Dallas Texas and generate 3-5 inbound leads per day.

Learn More About Passive Prospecting

About CoordinateHQ

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CoordinateHQ helps you make your high-value customers successful.

CoordinateHQ ensures alignment and accountability throughout the customer life cycle.

Other benefits realized:

  • Shorter time-to-value as your customers onboard faster
  • Less risk from team handoffs and turnover of both your team or theirs
  • Never lose track of renewals or expansion opportunities
  • Make better decisions with accurate visibility into each customer’s health and status

If you're interested in learning more, you can setup a demo with our team here.

Learn more about CoordinateHQ

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